Monday, 17 March 2014

Secondary Metabolites:- Vincristine and Vinblastine

Catharanthus Roseus and Annona Muricata  is a main source of a Vincristine and Vinblastine secondary metabolites.

Catharanthus Roseus:-  Vincristine and Vinblastine
Annona Muricata:-  Vinblastine

Catharanthus Roseus


Catharanthus Roseus is a tropical plant used in traditional herbal medicine.
English name:- Rosy Periwinkle, Madagascar Periwinkle
Botanical name:-  Catharanthus Roseus, Vinca Rosea
Catharanthus Roseus is a Shrubs.
Catharanthus Roseus cures many disease like, Diabetes, Asthma, Breast Cancer, Lung cancer, Constipation, Blood cancer, Liver Cancer, Insect Bites, Ovarian Cancer, Sore Throat, Skin Disease, High Blood Pressure etc.
Catharanthus Roseus Information:-
All part of this plant is used for Herbal Treatment including Dried roots, Leaves, Flowers.
Alkanoid is modern Medicine is Extracted from the whole Dried Plant.
These plant part are used of treating many of the disease listed Above.
This plant contain Many of Alkaloids mainly  Vincristine and Vinblastine
Vinblastine have Anti-Tumor Properties. This alkaloid is used to treat Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Vincristine, is utilized for treating leukemia in children.
The five type of flowers range from white to various shades of pinks, purples and deeper reddish colors are found in this plant.

Annona Muricata


English name:- Prickly Custard Apple
Botanical name:-  Annona Muricata
General name:- Soursop
Annona Muricata is a tree.
Annona Muricata cures many disease like Breast Cancer, Lung cancer,Myeloma, Blood cancer, Liver Cancer, Ovarian Cancer,Ovarian Cancer, Skin Cance,Prostate cance, Pancreatic cancer, Asthma, anemia, Constipation, Depression, Cold etc.
Annona Muricata Information:-
Soursop is best remedy for Cancer. Cancer is anywhere in the body soursop is best remedy of all. Soursop kill only cancer cell without damaging healthy cell. So soursop has no any Side effect.
It has best Anticancer and Antitumor Property