1. Powerful preparation: The more you prepare, the better it is! Plan ahead on what needs to be answered to the basic questions such as,
- Tell me something about yourself,
- What are your hobbies?
- Why should you be hired?
- Where would you see yourself five years down the line in this Organisation?
- What has been your biggest failure and how did you handle that?
- Give an example of how do you manage differences with your team members or colleagues.
- What changes will you make if hired?”, etc.
2. Perfect body language: You can make an instantaneous impact by sporting a confident body language at the interview. Give your interviewer a firm but proper handshake, pleasant eye contact and an energetic smile while greeting (Hi, hello, good morning, etc.). Enthusiasm in voice helps create a positive impression. Sit up straight and lean forward as you speak. That sends a message of self-assuredness. Do nod suitably and make positive gestures. Keep your hands on the arm rest or ready to gesture naturally.Do not shake your head vigorously, cross legs (men) and slouch on the chair. Avoid fidgeting and placing the hands under the table. Touching or rubbing your nose can be a distract. Evade smacking your lips while you talk (drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated).
3. Proper dressing: Do a rehearsal of the dressing. Let your heart and mind like the way you look. Also, what you wear depicts what kind of a person you are. Choose the right attire and present yourself as the right candidate for the interview. Do not try grotesque hair styles. Normally strikingly bright colored attires are not appreciated in formal interviews. Ensure that there aren’t any crumples on your dress.
4. Laudable listening: Listen actively and reciprocate to ace in the interview. Pay attention to the questions asked and answer promptly but prudently. Remember, verbal and non-verbal nods, eye contact and body language speak volumes about your active listening. Ask the interviewer to repeat if you don’t get the question at the first time. It’s a good idea to paraphrase or summaries the question to buy time to craft your answer to avoid long pauses or silence before you start. Remember, this is not a game of charades to accept the silences. Be quick and nimble to answer at your interview! Do not presume that you’re a good listener; practice the skill of active listening! Many times, digression while answering to a question may not be seen as appropriate. Be mindfully present in the moment and avoid jumping the gun and begin responding to the question before the interviewer has completed it.
5. Sketch a super scheme: Visualize yourself going through all the rounds of interview and prepare a super scheme (checklist) that enables you to perform well. Divide it into pre, during and post interview sections.
Here there are points there has to be also kept in mind Before, During and after interview process.
- Before – Include interview date and time, questions/topics to be prepared, attire to wear, cologne/perfume to be spritzed, travel mode, etc.;
- During – Have positive body language, optimistic smile, enthusiastic tone, and greet the interviewers;
- Post – Include photos, credentials, ID proofs, etc. Keep some space to mention about your interview experience and areas of improvement.