Wednesday, 18 November 2015

General Advice for the TRUE COPY of the documents.

Needs attention on one very important aspect of documents verification. In ordinary course we keep issuing and submitting our KYC documents (identity and residential proofs..such as PAN card, electricity bill etc.) to various people for various purpose. For housing or car or other loans, bank accounts,or even for buying new sim card we submitting these documents.

At almost all these places they ask for self certification on these documents. We immediately sign those documents(for True copy) and hand over. Just imagine your self certified copies are freely available in the hands of such persons & those documents can be used by him for EVERYTHING!
Its really serious and its been seen that in most of the terrorist activities, KYC documents are sourced from the SIM card sellers.

Hence, please inculcate a 'HABIT' of writing the date and purpose for which you are submitting the self certified KYC Documents so that those documents cannot be used again.
Please share this as much as possible Forwarded as I felt it's very important to write the date and purpose, which we never do while submitting KYC documents.

Here after wards sign as
4.........and not to be used for other purpose.‎