Thursday, 3 October 2013


Biopesticides' are a types of pesticides derived from natural materials as animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals. Thus biopesticides are living microorganisms that can destroy agricultural pests.

General Characteristics of Biopesticides
  • They have a narrow target range and a very specific mode of action.
  • They are slow acting.
  • Have a relatively critical application Times.
  • They can only Suppress, rather than Eliminate, a pest population.
  • They have limited field persistence and A short shelf life.
  • Biopesticides are safer to humans and the environment than conventional pesticide.
  • Biopesticides present no residue Problems.

Types Of Biopesticides: 
Biopesticides Fall into three major classes: 
1) Microbial biopesticides
2) Plant-Incorporated-Protectant (PIPs) Biopestctcides
3) Biochemical pesticides
4) Neem Biopestcicides